
Chapter One :Chapter 1

Located in the most southern part of Hua Nation.

Huashan, in the backyard of the Godly Doctor Sect.

A young man of about twenty years old stood behind an old man who was over fifty years old, called out respectfully, "Master."

The man in front of him was his master, known as Lord Zhe Third.

The current sect leader of the Godly Doctor Sect.

"Chen Nan, I summoned you this time to discuss something serious with you," said Lord Zhe Third with his back to Chen Nan.

Chen Nan replied cautiously, "Master, could it be another mission you want me to take on?"

"That kind of talk makes me feel chilled. Is it possible that in your eyes, all I, your master, do to you is constantly assigning tasks?"

Without second thought, Chen Nan said, "Yes."

Upon hearing Chen Nan's response, Lord Zhe Third was momentarily speechless.

He turned around and looked at Chen Nan, "You're wrong. I called you here to talk about the greatest matter of your life."

"The greatest matter of my life?"

"Yes, the greatest matter of your life. Think about it, you aren't young anymore. Besides you, the Godly Doctor Sect only has me, an old man. So, I figure it might be time to talk about the greatest matter of your life, to prevent you from ending up alone like me."

"Really? Are you really going to be so kind as to introduce me to a girl?" Chen asked, still somewhat skeptical, looking at Lord Zhe Third.

"Of course, when have I, your master, ever lied to you?"

"Heh, you should say - being my master, when have you not lied to me?"

Chen Nan laughed coldly.

"Chen Nan, you should know that there are many well-intended lies in this world. Even if I lie to you as your master, it’s all for your good," Master Zhe defended himself righteously.

"For my good? Last year, you had me accept a rescue mission to some country in East Africa. You repeatedly insisted that the hostage was a super beauty with an angel's face and a devil's figure, and that after saving her, she would offer herself in gratitude. I don’t know what came over me and I actually believed you and immediately went there."

Damn it, it was only after I got there that I realized how deep you'd led me down the rabbit hole.

Angel's face? Devil's figure?

Turns out, she was a big gal weighing over 300 pounds. How could you consider that a top-tier beauty?!

What's worse, just like you mentioned, the big girl did actually offer herself and chased me three whole streets without giving up!

Do you know how much psychological trauma that incident caused me?!

And you dare to call this act of yours, 'for my good'?!

Upon mentioning this incident, Chen Nan was so angry he wanted to attack someone on the spot!

"Cough cough, there was just an error in the information at that time. If I had known the hostage was such a woman, would I recommend her to you? Of course not!

"Really? Then do you know what they showed me when I wanted to refuse the mission? A contract! The contract stipulated that my task was to rescue that big girl. It included all her information and photos. What drove me to despair was that under the contract was your name, Master Zhe, written in big letters!"

"Don't you dare to tell me that your poor eyesight didn't allow you to clearly see the contents of the contract before signing it!”

Upon hearing this, Master Zhe turned slightly red and quickly responded, "Perhaps... just maybe... on that day I did have a moment of clouded judgement. But all of that is in the past, let's leave what's behind us, behind us. Right now, let's discuss your lifelong matter instead."

"Come off it, I feel like you're going to trick me again."

Chen Nan was on guard.

"You can relax, this time, I will definitely not trick you. Moreover, as a compensation, I will allow you to choose the type you prefer."

Since Master Zhe had come this far, Chen Nan mulled over it internally and decided to trust him again this time.

"Do you really have every type I want?"

"Of course, I may not guarantee other things, but one thing's for sure - I have a wide network. Plus, quite a few old friends have introduced their daughters to me recently in hopes that I could introduce some young talents to them."

At this point, a confident smile spread across Master Zhe's face.

"Fine, since you've said as much, I won't hold back. Hmm... I want a junior school sister who is pure, beautiful, and charming...Wait, or a rich, young, beautiful heiress could be better...Yet, I feel those cool and stern-faced female CEOs are also pretty good!"

After considering it for a while, Chen Nan finally made his decision.

He looked at Master Zhe, and with a resolute expression said, "I've decided. I want all the types I just mentioned!"

"You cheeky lad, quite greedy aren't you? But you're lucky as well, I just happen to have a task which involves protecting such a beauty. Her name is Su Mengning, an exceptional admission at Qinghai City's number one university. She left school to gain practical experience in her third year and has already taken over a listed company this year. She is a genuine aloof female student CEO. So, are you satisfied now?”

Master Zhe gave a smug smile.

Upon hearing this, Chen Nan finally understood.

All this time, pretending to be an earnest elder discussing his lifelong matter was a farce.

Accepting tasks that get oneself into trouble is the real deal!

"Master, do you think I will be fooled this time?" Chen Nan asked with a cold smile.

"Chen Nan, do not disappoint my good intentions. To introduce such a stunning beauty to you, I have suffered a lot," Master Zhe, also known as the Third Lord of Zhejiang, responded with a head shake.

"Bullshit, I would be a fool to believe you. Every time it's the same spiel, and every time I believed you, I ended up in trouble. Do you think I'm daft? Am I the kind who wouldn't turn back until I have collided headfirst into the south wall?"

On hearing this, the Third Lord's face fell visibly.

"Chen Nan, it's true I have wronged you many times in the past, but I sincerely promise you, this time it will be different. I absolutely will not mislead you!"

Facing the earnest expression of the Third Lord, Chen Nan gave a cold, dismissive laugh without responding.

In Chen Nan's eyes, the Third Lord's guarantee was worth less than a fart.

Seeing that Chen Nan remained unmoved through thick and thin, the Third Lord decided to gamble his last bit of dignity, feigning helplessness to strike a chord with Chen Nan, saying, "I regret that I am old and broken down. Otherwise, I would not have to burden my beloved disciple with such hardship."

"If only I could be twenty years younger, no, even ten years would suffice."

"Never mind, I shouldn't put my disciple through such hardship. I'll take this task upon myself."

Hearing these words from the Third Lord, Chen Nan felt both fury and helplessness.

He knew all too well that this was yet another trap, yet, he had no choice but to jump into it!

"Alright, alright! Spare me the self-pity, will you? I accept! I accept! I will take the task! Is that good enough for you?"

At this moment, Chen Nan's face was the very picture of despair.

When Zhe Sanye saw that his plan had succeeded, he also gave a cunning smile, “Hehe, Chen Nan, rest assured, I haven't set you up this time. The other party is indeed a super beauty, I guarantee that she is just to your taste.”

However, how could Chen Nan possibly believe his words?

Chen Nan even felt that as long as it was a woman, in the eyes of Zhe Sanye, she was a beauty.

The more he thought about it, the angrier Chen Nan got. He didn't want to see the annoying face of his master any further and turned to leave.

"Hey, where are you going? I haven't told you the specific details of the task yet." Zhe Sanye called out.

"I'm going back to pack my bags and book a ticket to Qinghai City, is that okay?”

"Okay, but don't you mess up as you did last time because of your current temper."

The “last time” Zhe Sanye was referring to, was when Chen Nan was forced to carry out a task while on vacation three months earlier.

The task asked Chen Nan to bring back the life of a notorious, evil tycoon to the Door of the God Doctor.

Chen Nan, dissatisfied, wanted to protest, but was forcibly ordered by Zhe Sanye to carry out the task.

As he remembered, it was a nice sunny afternoon. Zhe Sanye was in the hall of the Door of the God Doctor, discussing the price for this task with the client. He assured the client that his apprentice was reliable and would bring back the tycoon's life to the Door of the God Doctor soon.

However, when Chen Nan returned to the Door of the God Doctor, Zhe Sanye spat out the hot tea in his mouth.

"Master, I'm back to report my task completion."

Chen Nan had a cold smirk on his face.

"Chen Nan... I asked you to bring that tycoon here, what do you mean by bringing a dog back?!”

"Huh?! Didn't you ask me to bring the life of that tycoon's dog back to the Divine Doctor's Gate? I was just following directions.”

Chen Nan purposefully put on a dumb and adorable expression.

But inside, he was sneering.

He thought, we had agreed that I won't take on missions during my vacation, yet, you still give me tasks. You enjoy setting traps for me? Well, let me give you a taste of your own medicine!

This served as a lesson from past experience.

Now, Uncle Zhe was genuinely afraid that Chen Nan would make a mess in the mission again.

Facing Uncle Zhe's complaints, Chen Nan didn't even turn his head and said, "Relax, I am a man of principles. As long as my protection target this time is not extremely ugly, I promise not to mess around."

Uncle Zhe: ……

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